Sarawak International Open Tenpin Bowling Championship 2017
The Sarawak International Open Tenpin Bowling Championship 2017 was held on September 6-9 at the Megalanes Bowling Centre, becoming the first of the two international bowling tournaments to be held in Sarawak.
More than 500 athletes from 13 countries participated including Australia, Japan, South Korea, India, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Philippines, China, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia, while some 120 Sarawak players competed as well.
The last time the champion being held here was in 1998 and Sarawak Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah was very positive on bringing it back.
Plans are underway to hold the 18th Asian School Tenpin Bowling Championship on November 11 to 17, which will involve players from 16 countries.