
First Asia Pacific Orchid Conference in Malaysia

The 13th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference (APOC13) will be held for the first time in Malaysia, and will take place at the BCCK in Kuching on July 24 to 28.

APO13 draws participants from over 14 countries, with orchid shows and conferences that cater to both avid orchid growers, and casual admirers of the beautiful flowers.

An array of interactive programs have been lined up for the APOC13 which include conference, various orchid competitions, exhibition, horticulture, agriculture, and food bazaars, APOC quiz, children drawing / colouring competition, musical bands, orchid run and many more.

The Orchid Show will take place from 24 to 28 July, with display competitions, exhibition booths and workshops where amateurs can learn about the dedicated care that goes into orchid cultivation from professionals.

The conference takes place from July 25 to 26, and registration is still open to the public.

APOC’s objective is to achieve an international cooperation for trend in development and conservation of orchids in the Asia Pacific Region. For more information on APOC13 programmes, visit their website here…

The Dendrobium Laila, named after the beloved late Puan Sri Laila Taib, wife of Sarawak former Chief Minister, Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, in tribute to her in memory of her love for orchids.
The Dendrobium Laila, named after the beloved late Puan Sri Laila Taib, wife of Sarawak former Chief Minister, Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, in tribute to her in memory of her love for orchids.



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