Another Round of Support from University Malaysia Sarawak
KOTA SAMARAHAN – On March 6, 2020, four medical institutions in Sarawak received health equipment from University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) to assist the front-liners who were battling against COVID-19.
The recipients were Sarawak General Hospital (SGH), Sarawak Heart Centre, Samarahan Health Clinic and Kuching Specialist Hospital (KPJ).
SGH received 23 litres of hand sanitiser, nine intubation boxes, and 100 face shields; Sarawak Heart Centre received one intubation box and 30 face shields; Samarahan Health Clinic received two sampling boxes, five litres of hand sanitiser and 50 face shields; while KPJ received two intubation boxes and 50 face shields.
Previously, UNIMAS had also delivered two self-manufactured intubation boxes and 100 custom-made face shields to SGH, hand sanitiser to their own Institute of Health and Community Medicine (IHCM), the UNIMAS Health Centre, residential colleges and the Kota Samarahan Royal Malaysia Police.
The intubation box was customised by Dr Charles Bong Hin Joo, a lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering UNIMASN and his team so that it would have sliding doors on both sides for easy tube insertions.
The hand sanitiser was developed by researchers from the Faculty of Resource Science and Technology led by Associate Prof Dr Samsur Mohamad and his team, while the face shields were jointly constructed by the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Faculty of Built Environment, and Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology.