Enchanting Musical Evening (新春音乐会) – Featuring Yap Family
The Enchanting Musical Evening featuring the Yap’s family will be held on February 19th at the Old Courthouse Auditorium at in Kuching at 7:30 p.m.
The talented Yap’s sibling and their families will be holding the concert featuring Yap Ling, Yap Yen, Yap Ting, Yap Ning, Grace Lee, Yap Qin, Yap Yi and Yap Meer with special guest pianist Eugene Clifford Roland Suboh in conjunction with Chinese New Year celebrations.
The concert gives the Yap’s family a chance to collaborate together and to share with the public their love for music, and although they are all performers, this is the first time they will come together and perform a concert as one unit.
The programme offers musical repertoire for all audiences who appreciate traditional Chinese music.
For more information call or Whatsapp +60168200355, +60105426718 or +60178830797.